Environmental Management

WNC not only promotes environmental conservation programs at each of its sites but has also actively participated in climate advocacy initiatives, seminars, and workshops in recent years, collectively contributing to carbon reduction efforts. In 2023, we allocated a total of NT$104,159,943 for environmental projects, accounting for 0.1% of that year’s revenue. Notably, approximately 70% of the environmental expenditure was allocated to clean energy and energy-saving initiatives.

Environmental Policies and Management Systems

WNC pays close attention to global environmental protection issues and trends. Apart from observing local regulations at our operation sites and establishing environmental and green product management systems with suppliers based on customer requirements, we have also implemented measures in our work environments to conserve energy and reduce our carbon footprint to ensure the effective use and management of limited resources. We have established Environmental Sustainability Policy, Energy Management Policy, and Water Resource Management Policy to implement related measures and conduct internal audits and third-party verification every year to ensure compliance with ISO 14001, ISO 14064, ISO 50001, IECQ QC080000, FSC™ CoC, and other related environmental regulations.

Environmental Information Disclosure

WNC continues to participate in CDP supply chain programs. In 2023, we scored a B rating in the questionnaires for “climate change” and “water security”, respectively, which is higher than the industry average. Every year, WNC reviews the items that require improvement according to CDP feedback and formulates improvement measures.

WNC’s 2023 CDP scores

RatingNote Climate change questionnaire Water security questionnaire
Industry average C C
Asia average C C
Global average C C
  • Note: CDP classifies WNC as being in the electrical & electronic equipment industry category; Asian and global averages do not take industry categories into account.