Annual Performance

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi)

• WNC signed the SBTi commitment letter in the third quarter of 2023
• WNC is committed to achieving a 42% absolute reduction by 2030 with 2022 being the base year



• Joined RE100
• Ratio of renewable energy use at all sites to total electricity consumption reached 16.02%


Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Inventory at all WNC sites


TCFD Report

Publish an independent TCFD Report and pass the third-party evaluation by SGS, obtaining the TCFD Performance Evaluation - Benchmark evaluation statement.


Green Buildings

S3 obtained EEWH certification


Energy Management Platform

S3 introduced an energy management platform


Renewable Energy Strategies

Developing green energy procurement strategies at home and abroad: I-REC and self-generated solar power for self-use


Green Product Design

• Set green design standards and forming a sustainable products team to promote project progress
• Set quantitative indicators for green products, and communicate and share regularly


Product Carbon Footprint Inventory

• Nurture all manufacturing sites and business groups to have the ability to perform carbon footprint inventory
• Establish a carbon footprint database


Sustainable Supply Chain Management

Implement a supplier sustainability management system


Supply Chain Management

Develop a supply chain carbon management system

Material Topics and Goal Managment

Five Focuses Material Topic Performance Indicators 2023 Results Future Goals
Target Results Short-term 2024 Mid-term 2025 Long-term 2030
Green Climate Strategy 2023 Renewable Energy Use Rate 10% 16.02% 20% 25% 50%
Absolute reduction of Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions taking 2022 as the base year -5.25% -10.63% -10.50% -15.75% -42.00%
Biodiversity Programs -- (New Target) Join the Taiwan Nature Positive Initiative (TNPI)
  • WNC Forestry Project: Drawing on previous experience to increase tree planting and size of area restored.
  • Continue to work with NTU to implement native trees survey, monitoring and restoration effectiveness tracking.
Green Products Product Carbon Footprint Inventory Target achieved Carbon footprint inventory completed for 4 products Carbon footprint inventory completed for 16 products Carbon footprint inventory completed for 30 products Carbon footprint inventory completed for 50% of the revenue-contributing products
Establish low carbon materials selection mechanism -- (New Target) -- Build a carbon emissions database for components
  • Link component BOMs to the emissions database.
  • Introduce low carbon materials selection for new products.
Implement low carbon materials during product design to aid in estimation of product carbon footprints
Environmental ManagementNote1 Energy use intensity has dropped compared to previous yearNote2 -- (New Target) -8.13% -3% -2% -1%
Water usage intensity reduction compared to 2020Note3 -12% -26.87% -12.5% -13% -18%
Current year waste recycling rate 85% 87.30% 87% 90% 90%
Waste generation intensity reduction compared to 2021Note4 -5% -11.76% -8% -10% -10%
  • Note 1: The goals listed here do not apply to WNC subsidiaries in the US, UK, Germany and Japan.
  • Note 2: Energy usage intensity (MWh/million NT$) is obtained by dividing energy consumption by consolidated revenue.
  • Note 3: Water usage intensity (cubic meters/million NT$) is obtained by dividing water usage by consolidated revenue.
  • Note 4: Waste generation intensity (tonnes/million NT$) is obtained by dividing the amount of waste generated by consolidate revenue.