Occupational Safety and Health Management System

WNC headquarters and main manufacturing bases have introduced the ISO 45001 occupational safety and health management system and passed third-party verification with regards to this. We regularly review operation of the occupational safety and health system to prevent occupational diseases and injuries and promote the physical and mental health of colleagues. In 2023, no major occupational accidents occurred at any sites.

Occupational Safety and Health Committee

An Occupational Safety and Health Committee has been established for Taiwan sites and committee meetings are held quarterly in accordance with the Occupational Safety and Health Act to review the implementation results with worker representatives. The committee members serve a two-year term. Eighteen of the members are drawn from worker representatives, representing over 1/3 of the committee members. In 2023, the election of labor representatives was held in December. These members work as a safety and health communication platform between WNC and employees. WNC holds an annual organization consultation meeting to communicate and promote occupational accident prevention to construction contractors. In 2023, a total of 420 contractors participated.



Production safety committees established for China sites hold monthly production safety management meetings. Department-level managers from various units and labor union representatives attend the meetings to discuss occupational safety and health management issues. In addition, each unit assigns an employee to serve as its safety officer, and these employees participate in safety officer training courses approved by related government agencies and acquire safety officer certification. This ensures that safety officers have the required skills and knowledge in occupational safety and health.



A Labor Health and Safety Committee is set up at WNC’s Vietnam sites, and a labor safety and health meeting is convened quarterly and attended by 15 labor representatives from each unit, including two union committee members. These representatives are responsible for reporting on occupational safety and health administrative matters to WNC’s management representatives at union meetings.

Risk Identification

In order to lessen the impact on WNC of occupational safety and health risks, every unit conducts risk identification every year, evaluates risk levels through matrix analysis (likelihood, severity, frequency), proposes corresponding control measures and objectives for high-risk operations, and conducts monthly tracking (such as: when there are changes in operations, technologies, engineering, operations/design specifications; injury events with more than one day of incapacity; repeated occurrence of false alarm incidents; hidden danger notification).

Hazard identification

The responsible department conducts an inventory of activities, products, services, etc. within its control that may cause personal injury, property damage, or environmental impact.

Risk evaluation

Risk level is evaluated through matrix analysis of operations exposure frequency, probability of occurrence, and severity of consequences.

Control measures

Improvement plans are proposed for improvement items that eliminate hazards or reduce occupational safety and health risks within a department, meaning the objective of continuous risk reduction has been achieved.

Review of effectiveness

Identify residual risks after control measures are in place, conduct monitoring and measurement to ensure the effectiveness of controls.

Emergency Response

To improve employees’ ability to respond to emergencies, emergency response teams have been established and a plant-wide evacuation drill is held every year. In 2023, to assist relevant personnel in familiarizing themselves with their roles and responsibilities within the emergency response team, increasing operational proficiency, and enhancing crisis management and emergency response capabilities when emergencies occur, the HQ and the S1 plant have added war game simulations to their drill planning. The development and consequences of disasters are evaluated via drills. The drill planning at the S3 plant assesses the on-site self-defense firefighting team’s response capabilities during real chemical disasters and fires, simulating the development of compound disasters and conducting disaster relief exercises. A total of 7 plant-wide evacuation drills were held during day and night shifts of Taiwan sites.


In addition to holding firefighters’ firefighting skills and disaster prevention safety drills monthly in Kunshan sites, in 2023, Wistron NeWeb (Kunshan), WNC Kunshan and WebCom (Kunshan) held a total of 16 plant-wide fire evacuation drills for day shifts and night shifts. WebCom (Nanjing) held one fire-fighting evacuation drill for the entire plant. The Vietnam sites held four plant-wide evacuation drills.

Occupational Safety and Health Training

Pursuant to occupational safety and health measures, WNC holds educational and training courses to enhance employees’ awareness and skills related to occupational safety and health and boost their ability to predict hazards. WNC Taiwan sites provide a three-hour general safety and health training course to new employees upon their entry. Additionally, regular training sessions are conducted for current employees each year to emphasize safety awareness and reduce the risk of accidents. In 2023, a total of 6,474 participants attended the courses, accumulating a total of 10,346 training hours.

Occupational Injury Statistics

In 2023, all 25 occupational injuries resulting in disability at WNC’s sites were due to physical hazards, and there were no disabling injuries reported among non-employees, nor incidents resulting in permanent disability or death due to occupational injuries. Each incident has been investigated and analyzed. Responsible units have developed appropriate improvement and preventive measures in response to the increase in the number of employees and the changing environment to reduce operational risks for workers.

WNC Employees Occupational Injury Statistics in the Recent Four Years

Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Total working hoursNote1 24,461,016 21,262,912 23,969,608 23,162,848
Number of recordable occupational injuriesNote2 29 39 17 25
Recordable occupational injuries rateNote3 1.19 1.83 0.71 1.08
Number of serious occupational injuriesNote4 0 0 0 0
Percentage of serious occupational injuriesNote5 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Total disability injury lost days 238 331 166 348
Severe disability injury severity rate (S.R.)Note6 9.73 15.57 6.93 15.03
  • Note 1: Total work hours = Number of employees in the category at year end × total number of working days × work hours per day
  • Note 2: Number of recordable occupational injuries: Same as the definitions of disabling injuries, the definition of a non-fatal injury includes cases where the victim is unable to continue their normal work and loses work time for one day or more.
  • Note 3: Recordable occupational injury rate/ lost time injury frequency rate = number of recordable occupational injuries/ total working hours × 1,000,000
  • Note 4: Number of serious occupational injuries: Injuries resulting in death or causing workers to be unable or have difficulty in returning to their pre-injury health status within six months are considered occupational injuries.
  • Note 5: Rate of serious occupational injury = number of serious occupational injuries (excluding fatalities)/hours worked × 1,000,000
  • Note 6: Severe Disability Injury Severity Rate (S.R) = total disability injury lost days/ total working hours × 1,000,000

Occupational injury statistics of non-WNC employees in the recent four years

Subject Item 2020 2021 2022 2023
Contractor personnel Total working hoursNote1 110,461 36,744 391,159 1,017,560
Number of recordable occupational injuriesNote2 0 0 0 0
Recordable occupational injuriesNote3 0 0 0 0
Number of serious occupational injuriesNote4 0 0 0 0
Percentage of serious occupational injuriesNote5 0 0 0 0
On-site contractors Total working hoursNote1 568,040 969,735 781,344 940,096
Number of recordable occupational injuriesNote2 0 0 0 0
Recordable occupational injuriesNote3 0 0 0 0
Number of serious occupational injuriesNote4 0 0 0 0
Percentage of serious occupational injuriesNote5 0 0 0 0
Dispatch employees Total working hoursNote1 522,000 272,135 1,114,200 242,744
Number of recordable occupational injuriesNote2 1 2 0 0
Recordable occupational injuriesNote3 1.92 7.35 0.00 0.00
Number of serious occupational injuriesNote4 0 0 0 0
Percentage of serious occupational injuriesNote5 0 0 0 0

Incident Investigation

In Taiwan, to fully understand the process by which near misses, abnormalities, injuries, and major accidents occur and to prevent their reoccurrence, the company performs accident investigation and analysis in accordance with an Accident Investigation Management Procedure and has formulated measures to prevent the re-occurrence of incidents. Inspection is conducted across all sites. At the same time, the 5 Why technique, FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and domino analysis methods are used to conduct a more in-depth review and discussion of the real causes of accidents and improve processes and safety standards and standardize specifications, as well as strengthen fool-proofing mechanisms.


To enhance accident investigation efficiency, explore root causes, and prevent recurrence, an accident investigation approval system has been implemented. The system for Taiwan sites was established in 2022, and the e-flow system on incident (including injuries, abnormalities, and false alarms) investigation became operational in 2023. The system is expected to be expanded to WNC’s sites in China and Vietnam in 2024.

Accident occurrence
Including false alarms, abnormalities, personal injuries, and major accidents
Collect accident-related information
Simulate the accident and identify its cause.
Draft and implement improvement measures across sites.
Recurrence prevention
Long-term implementation of response measures to prevent re-occurrence.
Execution of measures in parallel
Conduct inventories of plants and implement prevention measures in parallel to achieve early prevention

Contractor Management

WNC has drawn up a Contractor ESH Management Procedure to ensure the safety of both contractors and employees, maintain facility safety, and observe related ESH regulations. This document clearly demarcates the powers and responsibilities of company units and contractors and describes ESH issues requiring attention. Contractors are required to sign a Commitment to Work Safety for Contractors in WNC Plants before applying to conduct in-plant operations, and are required to participate in the notification of in-plant hazards and educational training for safety and health organized by the Industrial Safety Dept. After in-plant operations are approved, employees of contractors must participate in a tool-kit meeting to understand the hazards that personnel should pay attention to in the plant along with relevant safety procedures, and conduct in-plant operations after confirming operation details with the responsible managers under supervision and assessment of the ESH management units.


WNC conducts contractor review annually to evaluate contractors’ safety and health management capabilities. Guidance or replacement of contractors is executed according to review results. An online contractor evaluation system was introduced to enhance the efficiency of annual contractor assessments, and further optimizations were made to the system in 2023 to strengthen assessment standards. Based on the evaluation results, key contractors were provided guidance and improvement assessments to enhance their safety and health management capabilities and safety culture literacy. Starting from 2020, construction evaluations have been added for new contractors, and the contractor evaluation items, scoring standards and calculation formulas have been more clearly and specifically defined to ensure the standardization of evaluations and reduce manual calculations errors. In addition, to strengthen the management of hazardous operations of contractors, a checklist has been drawn up for higher-risk operations including hot work, roofing, elevated, and restricted operations, to ensure that contractors follow the safety standards before, during, and after operations. In 2023, a total of 8 new suppliers in the factory construction category were evaluated.


Besides the designated contact person, contractors can also discuss with WNC contact persons regarding matters such as work safety and health management, on-site operations coordination to ensure operational safety via coordination meetings, toolbox meetings, hazard information education and training, vendor review, and on-site inspections.

WNC Contractor Evaluation

Subject Category Item
Existing contractors Annual evaluation (Once a year)
  • Training records
  • Operational protective measures
  • Automatic checks
  • In-plant violations
  • Certification requirements
New contractors Evaluation of new construction contractors (before construction project)
  • Disclosure of major occupational injuries
  • Certification requirements
  • Work inspection mechanism
  • Management system for onsite construction
  • Sub-contractor review mechanism

Equitable Workplace