Annual Performance

Salary and Benefits

Equitable Workplace

Talent Cultivation

Material Topics and Goal Management

Focuses Material Topic Performance Indicators 2023 Results Future Goals
Target Results Short-term 2024 Mid-term 2025 Long-term 2030
Empowerment Human Resource Management Global average training hours per employee 32 21.9 32 35 40
Turnover rate of Taiwan IDL employees 12-15% 9.0% 12-15% 12-15% 12-15%
Percentage of women serving as supervisors globally > 25% 27.6% > 25% > 25% > 25%
Taiwan childcare leave/cash equivalent use rate 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
Employee Relations and Communication Percentage of Taiwan employees who feel safe at work > 85% 80% > 85% > 85% > 85%
Occupational Safety and Health Number of major occupational accidents Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero
Incidence per 1,000 workersNote 1 < 2.2 2.76 < 2.1 < 2.0 < 2.0
Number of incidents of occupational disease due to chemical exposure Zero Zero Zero Zero Zero
Tracking rate of number of Taiwan employees with moderate to severe health abnormalities in health examinations > 80% 99.5% > 80% > 80% > 80%
Taiwan employees influenza vaccination rateNote 2 --(New Target) 120.9% > 85% > 85% > 85%
  • Note 1: Incidence per 1000 workers = number of injuries or deaths/total workers x 1000 person frequencies (incidence per 1000 persons includes full-time workers, contractors and dispatch workers)
  • Note 2: Vaccination rate for Taiwan employees = actual number of vaccinations / number of applications for vaccination